Serpae tetra
Serpae tetra

Older males of the Serpae tetra should tend to separate themselves from the group and form their own territories. It is best kept in a group of 8 to 10 specimens, with the number of females predominating. The Serpae tetra needs a lot of space to swim, but also a dense thicket of plants at least in places so that weaker specimens can retreat from the stalking of their conspecifics. In order to achieve the black water effect, it is recommended to filter the aquarium water with a peat additive. Obviously, this only applies if it is kept en masse in too small a space.Īn aquarium with a length of 60 cm is sufficient as a species tank (this corresponds to about 50 liters volume). It can however be somewhat aggressive and occasionally pluck other fish’s fins. with hatchet-bellied tetras, armored catfish and dwarf cichlids. The Serpae tetra is an agile, but peaceful fish that is also suitable for the community tank, e.g. Serpae tetra (Jewel tetra): In the Aquarium

  • The males are slimmer and more intensely colored than the females.
  • The caudal fin, customary and pectoral fin are single-colored red.
  • The dorsal fin is black with a white base and tip, while the anal fin is Serpae red with a wide, black border.
  • In older specimens, this black mark can fade a lot.
  • The drawing in the shoulder area varies from a pale black spot to an intensely black-colored sickle or a vertical line.
  • The basic color ranges from reddish to intense purple-red.
  • The coloring and drawing of the Serpae tetra vary.
  • The coloring of the females is less intense than that of the males, but they are a little higher and also a little rounder. The tetra typical adipose fin is rather small in the Serpae tetra. They often have a more or less large black spot behind the cheek, and the dorsal fin also has a black spot lined with white at the back.

    serpae tetra

    The high-backed aquarium fish are orange-red in color.

    serpae tetra serpae tetra

    Serpae tetra (Jewel tetra): Characteristics, Shape and Color

    Serpae tetra